Exhibition Pick (Week of November 2): “The Colour Out of Space”
This is a past event- PARSE
134 Carondelet Street
New Orleans LA 70130 Get Directions
Deltaworkers’ Maaike Gouwenberg and Joris Lindhout curate an exhibition of films, performances, and lectures at PARSE.

PARSE presents “The Colour Out of Space,” a group exhibition organized by Maaike Gouwenberg and Joris Lindhout, directors of Deltaworkers, an international residency program in New Orleans. Three films—by Melanie Bonajo, Pauline Boudry & Renate Lorenz, and Terence Nance—are on view at the gallery, and the exhibition is focused around a series of corresponding events, which expands on these works through performances, installations, and lectures by local artists and thinkers. Each of the films and programs explores the liminal spaces between the known and the unknown, whether with regard to spirituality, death, gender, or the Internet.
“The Colour Out of Space” is on view at PARSE through November 21. Check the gallery’s website for event dates and more information.