Exhibition Pick (Week of December 28): “Paper-thin”
This is a past event- Antenna
3718 St. Claude Avenue
New Orleans LA 70117 Get Directions
A group show at Antenna explores alternative uses of traditional photographic materials.
“Paper-thin,” curated by artist AnnieLaurie Erickson, presents work by six artists who re-imagine uses for traditional photographic materials to create visually luscious, conceptual artworks. The pieces in “Paper-thin” sometimes reveal or disguise their subjects: Aimée Baubien weaves shredded photographs into delicate sculptures; Aspen Mays composes her works using the negative space created by a hole punch; Jason Lazarus transforms an iconic photograph by Jeff Wall into a series of inky drips.
“Paper-thin” includes works by Aimée Beaubien, Jessica Labatte, Jason Lazarus, Srjdan Loncar, Curtis Mann, and Aspen Mays. The exhibition is on view through January 3, 2016, at Antenna in New Orleans. For more information, visit the gallery’s website.