Small Talk: Skylar Fein’s “Remember the UpStairs Lounge”
This is a past event- New Orleans Museum of Art
1 Collins C. Diboll Circle
New Orleans LA 70124 Get Directions
At the New Orleans Museum of Art, Curatorial Assistant Anne Roberts discusses Skylar Fein’s work, on view now in “Changing Course.”

The New Orleans Museum of Art (NOMA) continues its Small Talks series with a short, informal gallery talk by Curatorial Assistant Anne Roberts about Skylar Fein’s installation Remember the UpStairs Lounge, 2008. The work, which is currently on view in “Changing Course: Reflections on New Orleans Histories,” commemorates a French Quarter gay bar and its patrons who were killed in a 1973 arson attack.
Regular museum admission applies. For more information, visit NOMA’s website.